Outsidepride Annual Tagetes Patula French Marigold 1000 Seed Mix

  • This marigold seed mix is a surefire way to add an easy to grow dwarf marigold to your flower garden, container, or raised bed. Removed fading petals to ensure an even longer blooming period. Butterflies will visit the flowers again and again. Marigold plant care includes removing spent flowers to encourage extended bloom period and to keep plants compact.
  • Tagetes patula mix is our most popular marigold mix sure to grow across the country as an annual in USDA zones 3 – 10. Enjoy sunny blooms all summer long by starting Marigold seeds in the early spring. This seed mix produces small, compact plants with flowers in shades of orange and yellow. These dwarf plants are perfect for edging the front of the sunny flower garden or for baskets and containers.
  • Low growing Marigolds are quick to bloom and quick to attract pollinators during the entire flowering season; however, they do not attract deer!
  • These heirloom, non-gmo seeds are quick to germinate when seeds are kept continually moist in full sun. Marigolds are not fussy and will tolerate most conditions. However, with rich, well-drained soil and plenty of sunshine, these plants will thrive. Generous amounts of organic compost or well-aged manure mixed into the garden prior to planting will greatly improve the health of flowers — Keep the soil moist, but not wet.
  • Sow 2 to 3 seeds per plant or 5 ounces per 1,000 square feet. Use starter soil and gently press the seed into the soil and lightly cover. When seedlings are big enough to handle and after acclimatizing the seedlings to outdoor conditions, transplant outdoors after frost danger has passed. May also be sown directly outdoors after last frost in prepared beds. Marigold plant care includes removing spent flowers to encourage extended bloom period and to keep plants compact.

“Beautiful Marigolds/Tagetes with very little maintenance. I bought these marigold seeds in May 2020 as an accompaniment since I was growing Tomatoes for the 1st time this summer. They attracted many beneficial pollinators to my yard & my tomatoes produced very well. The Marigolds became the star of my back yard. I watered them in the beginning & after they were established I let nature take over & I’ve been smiling everyday since. The different color flowers are very beautiful.I just harvested them 10/10/20 & I made marigold tea with the fresh petals, which was delicious with raw honey. No bitter taste.I’m drying the flowers on lowest heat in the oven now to be used when making marigold oil with Extra Virgin Olive Oil as the carrier oil. I’ll also make a hair rinse & potpourri sachets for the holidays to share with my friends & family.Very happy with this purchase.” – PurpleDress44 (Source: Amazon)

“Beautiful! Takes a while to grow but it’s 100% worth the time. Beautiful flowers! – Delvin (Source: Amazon)

“Hardy in my butterfly garden. The southeast was incredibly hot this past summer 2023. The seeds grew lush and green but no flowers. When the weather cooled they began to blossom. Its now January 2024 and I still have a colorful winter interest on display. I also discovered unintentionally in October 2023, Marigolds are a great companion plant to Milkweed. You can see the Monarch caterpillars on the Milkweed with added protection from the Marigolds.” – Eliane a. (Source: Amazon)

“I’m new to gardening and I wouldn’t call these “dwarf” (they’re about a foot tall), but they are amazing! I started some indoors in starter cells and then transplanted and then also direct sowed a bunch. I didn’t see a huge difference in germination rate, and they all grew to be very lush with super beautiful green foliage. It took them a good two months to really start producing flowers, but once the flowers came in there were tons of flowers. I did notice that the flowers I grew in the ground versus the ones I put in planters produced a lot more green foliage. The ones inside the planters are much more petite and less bushy. The ones in the planters also used a standard miracle grow potting mix, while the ones in the ground had compost and native soil. I imagine my native soil was heavy in nitrogen and that may have caused the bushiness. Either way, I will definitely plant these again. Huge bargain and produces a lot!” – Tracy A Saumier (Source: Amazon)

“Just throw the seeds and let them grow. These were sooo simple to grow and almost every one seemed to germinate. I just threw them in my raised beds and let nature do the rest. Tall, beautiful, and easy!” – Heidi (Source: Amazon)

“Viable seeds and grow like beasts. Gorgeous mix. Absolutely everything sprouted. I have purchased other seeds from this seller before and have always been satisfied.” – Nunya Effin (Source: Amazon)